A lot has changed in the Hudson development and distribution infrastructure since last summer - we’ve made a distinct effort to get the quality of our infrastructure to match the quality of Hudson itself. We owe a special thanks to the wonderful folks over at Atlassian - we’re taking advantage of their generous open source license for our bug tracking (JIRA), wiki (Confluence), and...
As Kohsuke mentioned on the dev@ mailing list on January 29th, another series of community translations of Hudson have been committed (r26764) and have been released with the Hudson 1.344 release. The locales included in this update are: Czech Spanish Finnish French Hungarian Japanese Korean Lithuanian Norwegian Dutch Polish Brazilian Portuguese Russian Slovenian Swedish Chinese (Simplified/Traditional) If you’re fluent in any of the locales above, check out the latest release of Hudson to verify that the translations are correct, if there’s translations that you feel are...
The latest release of Hudson, 1.344, was released on February 5th, 2010. The release contains primarily bug-fixes but has a few enhancements baked into it as well. As mentioned in "[Incoming! More Translations", 1.344 incorporates a number of community-driven translations (see the other post for more information). Additionally, 1.344 removes the "easter egg" background image I wrote about in a post to my personal...
As I mentioned in the footer of the post on the Hudson 1.344 release, there were a couple big regressions in the 1.344 release that were causing a number of users issues (such as issue 5536 and issue 5546). As a result, Kohsuke and the team have quickly pushed out a hot-fix release: 1.345. Here’s the break down: Bugs fixed: Update center retrieval, "build now" link, and...
Hello and welcome to "Continuous Blog", the official Hudson weblog! If you don’t mind me saying so, I think its arrival is long overdue. Since Hudson started in November of 2006, there hasn’t been a central "voice" for the project. In just a few short years Hudson has grown into a substantial project with hundreds of plugins and thousands of users around the world. Kohsuke's nice Java-based extensible continuous integration...
The largest global gathering of DevOps thought leaders, practitioners, and contributors, and all those dedicated to shaping the future of modern software delivery.
The Jenkins Contributor Summit brings together current and future contributors to the Jenkins project. At this event we will talk about the current state of the project and its future evolution.